> Monographs / MJ Update
I put the latest suite on our five student machines. One student, Katharina, started working with the general invoice macro so that's a start. I sent message to unit staff to go to the suites page and get the latest file. Have yet to do a demo for them; trying to get with them in small groups or one on one if necessary. Have not received any requests for additional macros.
Will systematically begin to write documentation this week. Remarks in the script are put there as I create them. This is very important for all of you! Also have standard notes in the notes tab of the properties a given macro.
aleph modules:
macro components: (submacro listing)
variable list: <<< personally feel this is important
assumptions: certain window open or up, etc. (if any)
Some sort of standard documentation is something we should probably all talk about. I'm not sure if the previous scheme discussed in the Guidelines/Best Practices is still valid.