The macro is available for download at: is labeled as
Linking Print_Elec***
I won't discuss here how to create the files needed for this.
I will say that this macro set assumes that you are working with an excel file and that the Cataloging module is open.
There should be 4 columns populated
1. Print record system number
2. log report from Genload (usually "merge" if successful)
3. Electronic record system number
4. Title
The macro copies all the information in a row and opens the CAT module. First it checks to see if the print system number matches the title in the spreadsheet. Then it checks to see if there is an LKR field, if there is it will be deleted.
The Macro then opens the electronic record and checks the title to see if it matches the spreadsheet. If everything checks out up until this point then an LKR field is added linking it the print copy.
This is how the macro works in general using CTRL+1 to start it from the excel file.
However I have added several new features which attempt to take into account when titles in our record don't match up to what is in the excel spreadsheet.
The macro handles this by 1st checking the print record to see if there is an exact match. If there is not then the macro copies what is in the 245 subfield a.
The macro then copies the information from the 245 subfield a of the electronic record. If there is a match here then the macro will continue. Otherwise it will stop and ask the user to manually verify a match. This has cut down greatly on how many times the user needs to check the macro.